Monday, July 1, 2013

Math Fact Fluency

Last school year, I set a professional goal based on improving my students' abilities to retain facts.  Year after year I have done fact practice in some form or another, but every year I still had kids that just couldn't retain their basic facts.  I knew I needed to find a new strategy.  While attending a math conference on RTI, I heard about peer tutoring and decided to research it some more.  Over the summer I developed a fluency center for the kids to use during math workshop, and I tried it out this past school year.  It really made a difference!  In the past the students never had an accountability piece during the actual fact practice portion of our day, and to be honest I don't think I gave them enough time...  This year I not only gave them more time, but I also had them work in partnerships and tutor each other.  It worked very well, and all of my students mastered their basic addition facts through 20. As a math coach in my district, I decided to put everything I used into a packet for the other teachers in my building to use.  You can find it here if you'd like to try it out.  I currently only have an addition and subtraction resource available, but I am working on the multiplication and division set and should have it up soon.  I have gone through the routines involved in detail, as well as provided facts, quizzes, a homework option and fact practice folder set-ups.  I'll be posting more about my math workshop in the next few days, so stayed tuned.


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