Thursday, July 31, 2014

Throwback Thursday with Class Dojo!

I have received a few requests about creating an editable version of my Class Dojo chart.  I don't have the fancy version of Adobe that allows you to type in the text boxes, so I did create a partially editable version in PowerPoint.  You just need to add text boxes to the page and type in your ideas.  You can find the link to the PowerPoint at the bottom of my post.

~Original Post~

I am in love with Class Dojo.  Prior to using the site, I used the colorful class clip chart that many of you have seen around the web. Kids would move clips up and down the chart, and when they reached the top I gave students "space rocks", otherwise known as sticky gems, to attach to their clip.  I would also give them a good news postcard with a personal note on the back and indicated one thing they did well that day.

Here's a picture of the cards I gave out.  The back has a similar pattern and an empty white space to write in.
If you'd like to use these for your class click here for the file.

At the end of the day, I would then have students color in a tree shape on their behavior log.                   To read more about this sheet click here.

                                            You can get a copy of this sheet at my TPT store.

But then......
I found this!

                                                                CLASS DOJO!

I keep this up on my SMARTboard all day, and the company also has an app that lets you track student behavior from your phone, or iPad.  So, if we are out at recess, I can log points.  If I'm in the lunchroom, library, computer lab, it doesn't matter. Class Dojo travels with me.

At the end of the day the students record the number of points they earned. The point totals for the day show up right next to their name.  I have various point totals color coded, so if they earn 5 or more points that day, then they color that day on their behavior log purple. 3-4 points earns a true blue, 1-2 is a light blue, 0 points is green, and negative points have them coloring in yellow, orange and red.  So, it is very much like what I did before, only now the actual behavior recording device is more engaging and easier to manage.

To make it even better, my students can now earn coupons with the points they collect over the course of the week.  On Monday, I set a end of the week total the kids need to hit.  If they earn that many points, then they can choose a coupon.  I use coupons much like those offered on Mel's, Suesstastic Classroom blog.  The kids love them!

Class Dojo also keeps track of all your student behaviors so that you can print out a nice sheet to show parents, and the site will even send a daily behavior report email to parents.

The site has many other fantastic features, and best of all it is FREE!

Partially Editable Version

Monday, June 30, 2014

Math Workshop!


What will the other students do while I am working with a small group?  This component of the math workshop might be worrisome for teachers, but it doesn't have to be.  The key is making the stations simple, and very routine.  I do not spend weekends creating tons of activities or worksheets, nor do I want to have stacks of papers to grade during the week.  So, what do I have my kids do?

My first station is independent work time.  During this time my students are working on an assignment from my school's chosen curriculum.  We use Everyday math, so the math boxes associated with the day's lesson are the assignment during the independent station (I may call this independent work time, but my students are allowed to work together in pairs at this station if they need extra support).

Station number two is a skill or enrichment station.  Students might play a game related to the day's teaching point, or they may work on math puzzles, practice telling time, count money, look for patterns, measure things, create graphs, create story problems, create a book about a math concept...the possibilities are endless.  This will be the one station you'll need to prep, but it can remain the same all week.  Many times I'll use the "readiness", or "enrichment" activities from the Everyday math series, but you could use folder games, skills-based activities, or even an online program like Kahn Academy.

My third station is fact practice!  This station has my students partnering up with a peer-tutor and reviewing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.  The facts the students practice are based on their own level, are sent home for homework practice, and match a daily time test. The time test ensures that they are practicing the facts, and making progress.  Once students have gone through the tutoring process they move on to a game.  Everyday math has many games that are based on fact practice, but in addition to these games the students also have access to math games on an iPad.

Debbie Diller has a great book for math workstations!

I have put together a 52-page resource for teachers to use if they are interested in starting a math workshop! The link is at the bottom.

Well that is all for today!  I hope everyone is enjoying their last day of June! sigh.